Maximize your data potential with Daus Data

25 of September of 2023


Team – Daus Data

A new era has arrived in the field of data and technology with AWS. We proudly introduce to you Daus Data, a company belonging to the Mática Group and an AWS Partner. Our team consists of top experts in data and AWS technology who are here to stay and revolutionize organizations’ decision-making and data management.


We delve into hyper-specialization, and our commitment is clear: we want to help organizations worldwide solve complex problems responsibly and ethically, leveraging data, AWS technology, and Artificial Intelligence to the fullest.






Who are we?


Daus Data originates from the technology company Mática Partners, which has extensive experience and a track record in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence projects. Daus Data is the culmination of years of experience and dedication, focused on taking AWS capabilities to the next level.


Our focus lies in hyper-specialization, and this is where we truly shine. In the vast realm of AWS, we stand out as the best. Yes, you heard it right, we are top-notch data experts, and in the AWS Data technology, we are the most knowledgeable.


We have an incredible team of professionals who have made this project possible: Jorge León, Sofía Braña, Carlos Neila, Alejandro Hernán, Alejandro Prieto, Raúl Fernández, David Orihuela, Javier Martínez, Javier Olmo, Jose Javier Mata, Marc Serra, Juanra González, Bea García, Alba Caldito y Bea Ortega. THANK YOU!


And thank you to you too for your interest! We’ll keep you updated.



Our Purpose


At Daus Data, we are committed to transforming how companies make strategic decisions. We want to propel them to the highest levels, and we will do so in an ethical and responsible manner, using the power of Big Data, AWS technology, and Artificial Intelligence to provide cutting-edge solutions.


In short, we have prepared diligently to become the best AWS Data services company in the global market. We will help our clients become the best data-driven company in their industry.



What to Expect from Us?


We invite you to follow us on our social media channels, explore our website, and stay informed about all the exciting developments we want to share with everyone. Because they will be a hot topic of discussion.


Are you ready to lead innovation and success with data?


You only need two things: Daus Data and a lot of DDpower. We’re taking off! 🚀


If you want more info… Click here